A general term for describing an association for legal professionals is „the Bar”. In a national context, a single Bar can be described as the Bar to address the entire profession of lawyers practising in a particular jurisdiction. However, both in Poland and the United Kingdom there is more than one professional association, therefore, care must be taken in translating KrajowaIzba Radców Prawnych and Naczelna Rada Adwokacka, as well as izba adwokacka and okręgowa izba radców prawnych. Firstly, a direct translation would suggest using the word chamber or the plural: chambers, which would be incorrect because “chambers” denote either a judge’s office (gabinet sędziego) or a unit where barristers work and sharing administrative facilities for which the closest equivalent would be zespół adwokacki.
To avoid such confusion, a more fitting translation might be the official translation of The Polish Bar Council or the somewhat longer and more direct The NationalBar Councilfor Naczelna Rada Adwokacka or, in American English, TheNational Bar Associationand The National Bar of Attorneysfor Krajowa Izba Radców Prawnych. Similarly, Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnychwould be better translated as The Regional Bar of Attorneys, for example, The Wrocław Regional Bar, while Okręgowa Rada Adwokacka as the Regional Bar Council. It should be noted that the word district translates as rejonowy, so it is not equivalent. The office of Dziekan correlates with Dean, for instance, Dean of the Council of the Regional Bar of Attorneys in Wrocław or more naturally, Dean of Wrocław Regional Bar Council of Attorneys.